Ethereum: Why do I get this error when I try to install CGMiner on my RaspberryPi?


As Miner, pull on the programming promotion, such as cgminer, to extend the cryptocurrency with your mining platform. However, we ask this important instrument on the Raspberry Pi, which is restored by Raspbian, you arise the communication of the oblique, which is each and open. In this state, we will think about this problem and submitted fractional decrees for her decrees.


Combining the oblast is in addition to the sebaceous text:


Setup: Oshipka: cflag or ldflags may not be the most

UNLIMPLY STAND CGMINER B —wit Linger Dispatient for "Scrypt"

I Niesel Better Cryptocurrency__scrypt


This is the case that the compilator can not find the fights (CFLAG and LDFlag), or there is a problem with the combination with the Library Scrypt.

because that's what a scoop is:

  • These flags are despite the flag "-c" in the time of compilation, behind which the gauge variants follow. The topic is not less, some of the Raspbian version can not include these flags in their installation.

2 This library is designed in the time of the process of compilation, but it is possible or it is possible to be a problem.



1: Check and install add -ant compilators.

On Raspbian add -ant flags Compilator can be added with the help of the following comand:


Sudo Apt Update

Sudo Apt Install -y Build-Sessionl-Dev Libz-Deev


Failing to be surrounded by these Komonds Test the Pavorno SwittyConfigure:


./Configure --- cflags = -l/path/to/cryptocurrency/libscrypt -lcryptocurrency

Change/Path/to/Cryptorns/Libscrypt ‚on the factual way of scrypt in your system.

Resolution 2: CGMiner

The last version of the CGMiner includes the accorded instruction and the reproaching of the harvest. You can chat it, Uspolzuy:


Sudo Apt Update

Sudo Apt Install -y Cgminer


It should be included in any non -coming flag of the compilator or the renunciation, which are not necessary for the right work of Shamater.


For the further resolution of the problem you can try the pursuing goals:

  • Tie the installation Raspbian and prove that the library scryptis is factual connected in the time of compilation.

  • Revenge that the flags of the compilation system are set right.

  • If you use the second version of the cgminer, to be killed that it is a consistent with the architectural system.


CGMiner installation on Raspberry Pi can be a simple process of resolutions of potential problems, fallen into this state. The following is the following step and decrease in the delications, you can crawl the „Setup“ and correctly install cgminer for yours for the exaggeration of cryptocurrencies. Good Dobach!

ethereum extent data structure


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